The Secret Sauce To Getting What You Want | Soloprenuer Support

If you’re not on #manifesttok, it’s probably for the best. January can truly be a big ole vision board szn. While I love and have manifested a lot with the various boards I’ve made, I do think there is an element of embodiment + and action that need to be entwined with them to see the best results for seeing your life align with your vision.

I’ve had quite a bit of practice with this. With very little credentials in the beginning of my business, I was able to do sooooo many things through aligning my actions with the visions I had for myself. I wanted to be regarded as an expert, work for myself, travel internationally through work, create a skin care line- the list was extensive. I did all that and some hunnyyy!

The secret. 


I am the queen of the ask in my circle of friends and my favorite quote is “ a closed mouth don’t get fed”.

It mostly just takes being a little more bold. Here are the ways that I have found have a 87% rate of getting exactly what you want. I know you may be thinking “Kana, I don’t have a business, I don’t have followers” or things along those lines, but trust me this works for anyone.

This seems like a no brainer. You would be so surprised that not only do people feel scared to ask, but also think it’s “not their place”.  When you think in this way you are preventing so many good things from happening from not asking. The collab you’re wanting to do, could open up the business you're asking to a whole new pool of clients. The job position you dreamt up might not be created yet, but  is something that not only can change your life, but the trajectory hires in a new department.

My first magazine column came about because I merely ASKED. Ya boy got a ring on my finger…because he asked. 

In all seriousness, sometimes you are sitting on an opportunity that could not just work for you, but also the person you're asking. Which brings us to the next point.


In every situation that I have made the ask, I made sure that it had benefits for all parties involved. In this day and age I don’t see this done as much, but I always personally like to spend money at places I plan to partner with in the future. I think it extends some good juju. This obviously doesn’t work for every situation, but it leaves a good impression when you can.

The best way to create a win/win most of the time is to be really transparent about what your goals are. For example, when I wanted to write a column for a local magazine I wanted to reach an audience to show them a new side of the city. The aligned goal for them was diversifying their voices and ALSO reaching a new audience. A win/win.


So what if you ask and what the other person wants to give isn’t exactly what you were expecting?  A STEP towards something you want is still creating energy of movement forward. My first spa room on my own was essentially a closet, a window nook. At the time I was so proud of it and I still miss it to this day. Was it the space I dreamed of having? No. Did it eventually get me to my dream space? Absolutely. 

Don’t be afraid of messy, non linear action. Don’t waste any more time not going after things 

That you want. If you need some more personal guidance take a look at these SERVICES.

I would love to hear if you try this, comment below!