Barre3 + 3 Business Epiphanies

I’ve been taking Barre3 classes since April of this year. While my mind is constantly running rampant until it isn’t most days. Today’s class brought a special new lens that put in perspective so many gems. Barre3 is not only conditioning me physically, but also mentally and emotionally to withstand the rollercoaster of being a small business owner.


When I moved, Barre3 Frankfort in Louisville, KY was such a saving grace for me. To meet such friendly people who invited me to events, shared their favorite places and supported me in class with a “great job” was so good for my mental health.

You can not move the needle in your business without being around like- minded people. You want clients, podcast subscribers or to launch your next event, you have to put yourself out there and meet people! It is vital, no matter what your business is, to create relationships.


It doesn’t matter what your neighbor looks like in class. Just like it doesn’t matter what any other business LOOKS like. Because, baaabyyyeee!! The amount of debt some choose to take on or incur is not shown in their very pretty websites or professional business headshots. You have no idea the strain in their relationships it may be causing. You may not realize how small they may be, how unhappy they actually are or what help and advantages they’ve had along the way to get to where they are.

I’ve learned over time, It’s the smallest, sometimes undetectable changes that make an impact for your life and for building great glutes.


This is the part we want to skip out on, but truly provides the most delicious nuggets. Your heart rate is high, you’ve put in all this work and you're going to SKIP the best part?! Craziness. I get it. As someone who has been going, going, going for so long. It has taken me YEARS to learn to rest and I’m still learning how. This moment for stillness, this moment for breath is something that anchors me at the end of the class, but I’m really learning it anchors me in life.

When you forget the pause, there is very little room for gratitude. Whether that be for how much our bodies have supported us in movement, but also how much our nervous system supports us during hit, after hit, after hit in life.

I could go on and on about how sitting your ass down and being still is actually necessary to live a good life, but I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.

There’s also things like your breath is important, a cute outfit makes workouts more enjoyable and to check yourself in the mirror. If you’re a barre3 girly, what are some gems that come to mind for you? I'd like to hear in the comments!

If you’re ready to spend some one on one time sorting through all the hidden gems you’re missing in your own life check out my Creative Strategy Sessions for women ready to pivot or bring their passions to life.

And Now I Am Here

I have been putting off this update for a bit. As I was looking back on some of my older blogs, I realized I really needed to get my words out of my head and out to you. Most of you are not surprised at all that the time has come for another pivot. I love that you all have grown to know and root me on when these times come.

You have made my life so full! For those of you who have followed me from morphing my brand from The Beauty Room and to those who I’ve just recently met through Greenish- you have made so many of my dreams come true as corny as it sounds.

In 2012 when I graduated from TSPA for esthetics, I don’t think I had the closest idea of what this career had in store for me.

From being able to have an income to support my life, to traveling, to creating a magazine to hosting Tuesday Talks and everything in between. I have been able to flow through all of my wildest ideas and dreams, because you guys are so absolutely amazing.

Creating and holding space for each client has been a grounding force in my life. Through dating woes, moving cities, figuring out who I am in those 12 years- you have all given advice, hugs and held space for me as well. I am forever grateful for what was and what is to come.

Now for the part that you’re here for. I am not actually sure of what is to come. That sounds exciting, but I have never been more scared in my life. I girl bossed to close to the sun and it fucking burns.

I am heartbroken. In my personal life and in my business. I’ve always been an open book and now isn’t different. I just need more time to process. I also need the break that I urge you all to take when you enter the treatment room. Well, I actually need about 6 months of self- care days, my therapist to be on speed dial and have no other clients and to be dropped off on another planet.

Until that happens, I just wanted to let you know that I am so appreciative of your support and that I will, for now, be offering spa services one weekend a month and will update booked clients on the dates and location. I'll be at different pop ups in a few cities, offer at home parties and human design charts are always available online. Be sure to have your email updated in your client portal, because that is where I will be sending the most important information.

If you are going through a time in your life, I want to remind you and MYSELF that nothing is permanent. Which is truly so beautiful as it is terrifying. Let’s cry, laugh, not understand it and ground ourselves. Spring is coming and it is truly the season of releasing the old, and focusing on fertilizing what’s to come.


Kana Brown

Collaborating, connecting and celebrating people in my community and beyond is what I believe I was made for. Helping humans create a new reality for themselves is on my “best at” list.
Follow me as I travel, dive deep into personal development and become a dog mom!

5 Ways To Deal With Business Heartbreak

5 Ways To Deal With Business Heartbreak

I have personally gone through this with transitions with The Beauty Room, the end of Love IT! EVV Magazine and many other partnerships that I loved. When these things end, we are expected to just carry on like nothing happened. Something did. A partnership that you felt very invested in severed and now your competitor is in your spot, you had to close a business or your feelings were just very hurt. You may have got a big NO for something you were betting on to be a sure thing. All of these can be so heartbreaking, so I wanted to give you some things that may help. Here are five great ways to get through business heartbreak.

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